Python Crash Course
This course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. We cover the basics of how one constructs a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. The course has no pre-requisites and avoids all but the simplest mathematics. Anyone with moderate computer experience should be able to master the materials in this course.
This course can serve as basis for the course "Deep Learning Crash Course", which requires basic programming skills.
Duration: 3 days
Effort: Full time (8h per day)
Course: Python For Everybody on Coursera
Location: Sunset Hill Resort by Remote&Digital, Koh Phangan, Thailand
Tuition fee: 150 USD or 4,500 THB (online version 50% less)
Participants: Up to 15
Language: English
Certificate: Optionally available for 79 USD, issued by University of Michigan
Next camps:
Fri, Oct 13 - Sun, Oct 15, 2023
Fri, Mar 22 - Sun, Mar 24, 2024
Who is this DSBC for?
The camp is for people who would like to get a head-start in coding - be it for data analysis or software development. The applications are vast! Python is one of the most popular programming languages in industry and academia. You do not need to have any prior coding experience to get started with this crash course.
What is the curriculum?
The course spans across three full days (8h each) and is based on one of the most popular Python beginners' courses on the internet, Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) and its follow-up course. The course has an average rating of 4.8 (out of 5) and about 2.1 million (!) people have enrolled in the course.
The modules cover the following topics:
Why we Program?
Installing Python
Variables and Expressions
Conditional Code
Loops and Iteration
Where is the DSBC?
We believe that your learning effect is maximized if you are part of an inspiring and motivating community without the plentiful distractions of a large city. Hence, we have chosen Remote & Digital, a coworking company based in Koh Pha Ngan, as our partner. Here coworkers, entrepreneurs, educators - and learners - come together from all over the world to combine high productivity with a balanced state of mind.
How do I apply?
Please sign up for the event and we will get in touch with you regarding details on the application. In the course of the application we will check for your background and motivation by means of an online interview to make sure we offer the best experience possible for you. Note that we are accepting only up to 15 participants. Only after you have been accepted, the tuition will be due.
What does it all cost?
Applying via signing up to this event is for free. Upon successful admission the tuition fee of 150 USD for the full course will be due (refundable). There are limited financial packages available. Simply get in touch!
Will I get a certificate at the end?
An optional certificate on completion issued by University of Michigan (!) that you can share on LinkedIn etc. can be directly purchased on Coursera for 79 USD.